Sunday, August 7, 2011

Raffero Hazelnut Cookies

Sedap bangat biskut ni...ala2 london almond tapi ni lg sedap....tambah pulak dicelup dgn coklat branded...bukan cooking coklat tau....ingredients dia pun mewah....atas dia klu rajin linekan dgn white balik dari tarawih malam tadi dah penat tu yg tabur je dgn bubble rice....resipi dari buku Festive Cookies by Chef Asma (Nor Asmawati).....
 Ingredients A :
150gm butter
40gm majerine
20gm crisco
40gm castor sugar
1egg yolk
1tsp cappucino emulco

Ingredients B :

180gm plain flour
a pinch baking powder
20gm cornflour
20gm potato flour
1tbsp milk powder
30gm milo
50gm choclate rice
20gm hazelnut roasted & ground

Ingredients C :

Hazelnut without skin 70nos roasted
Dark Choclate
White choclate

Method :

1,Cream ingredients A untill light and fluffy
2.Add in ingredients B and mix slowly untill a soft dough is formed
3.Take a piece of the roasted whole hazelnut and cover with some dough and shape into round shape
4.Arange in lined baking tray and bake at 150c for 15-20 minutes in preheated oven until light brown
5.Remove to cool.Take a cookies and coat it with melted dark choclate.Place into papercup and line with white choclate.

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